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Cup of Tea - August 2016 - Lesson 6

A Packet of Biscuits

A Packet of Biscuits - Cup of Tea - August 2016
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One day I needed to go from London to Oxford. I went  to Waterloo Station and looked at the train schedule (расписание поездов).  I had one hour before the train, so I went to the station buffet and bought a coffee, a packet of biscuits (пачку печенья) and a newspaper. Then I sat down at the table. After one minute a man came and sat down at my table. He was a typical city businessman. You know, an expensive grey suit, brown shoes and a brown belt. In the buffet he bought a cup of tea. After one minute the man suddenly (неожиданно) opened my packet, took one biscuit, dipped (окунул) it in his tea and put it in his mouth! I couldn’t believe it! I don’t like scandals, so (поэтому) I said nothing. I just took my biscuit from the packet, dipped it in my coffee and ate it. But after a few seconds the man took a second biscuit from my packet! Okay, I thought, he must be crazy (должно быть, он ненормальный). So I said nothing again, took a biscuit, ate it and looked at the man. His face was furious (в ярости). He stood up and left. After ten minutes it was time to go for my train. I ate the last biscuit, stood up and took my newspaper. And on the table, under the newspaper, I saw my packet of biscuits. It wasn’t opened.

Waterloo Sunset

Waterloo Sunset - The Kinks (cover)
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Dirty old river, must you keep rolling
Flowing into the night
People so busy, makes me feel dizzy
Taxi light shines so bright

But I don't need no friends
As long as I gaze on Waterloo sunset
I am in paradise


Every day I look at the world from my window
But chilly, chilly is the evening time
Waterloo sunset's fine


Terry meets Julie, Waterloo Station
Every Friday night
But I am so lazy, don't want to wander
I stay at home at night


But I don't feel afraid
As long as I gaze on Waterloo sunset
I am in paradise


Every day I look at the world from my window
But chilly, chilly is the evening time
Waterloo sunset's fine


Millions of people swarming like flies 'round

Waterloo underground
But Terry and Julie cross over the river
Where they feel safe and sound


And they don't need no friends
As long as they gaze on Waterloo sunset
They are in paradise

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