- Mandy, where’s the sugar?
- In the cupboard, on the right.
- I can't see it, it isn’t there.
- Yes, it is. Look for it.
- I can't find it! It’s definitely not there!
- I know it’s there. It’s on the second shelf.
- I can't hear you!
-Turn the radio off then. It’s on the second shelf.
-Well I'm sorry, but it isn’t there.
-Aaaah.. The sugar!
- Tony! Can you come here a minute? Tony!?
- What?
- Can you help me?
- What is it?
- It’s the computer. The printer doesn’t work!
- Can you wait a minute? GOOOOAAAAAL!!!!
- Tony!
- Coming. What’s the problem?
- It’s the printer. It doesn't work.
- It helps if you turn it on.
Irregular Verbs
be - was, were - been
buy - bought - bought
come - came - come
drive - drove - driven
eat - ate - eaten
find - found - found
get - got - got
go - went - gone
have - had - had
hear - heard - heard
leave - left - left
pay - paid - paid
read - read - read
say - said - said
see - saw - seen
speak - spoke - spoken
spend - spent - spent
understand - understood - understood
win - won - won
write - wrote - written