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Lesson 3

Polite? Rude? Neutral?

Polite? Rude? Neutral? - Situations
00:00 / 00:00

1 I’m sorry to bother you, but could you ________ _________ a ten-pound note?


Have you got change for a ten-pound note?

2 Where’s the station?

Could you tell me where the _________  _________, please?


3 A This is a present for you. 

B For me! Oh, how kind! You _________  _________, really. Thank you so much.


A This is a present for you.

B Thanks.


4 A Can you come to a party on Saturday?

B No, I can’t.


A Can you come to a party on Saturday?

B Oh, what a pity! I’m already _________  _________, I’m afraid.

A Oh well, _________ _________!

B But thanks for the invitation anyway


5  A Excuse me! Do you _________ _________ I sit down here?

B No, not at all.


A Is anyone sitting here?  

B No.


6   A Can you give me _________ _________? I need to carry this box upstairs.

B OK, if you like.


A I wonder if I _________ _________ ask you a favour? Would you mind helping me with this box?

B No, not at all.

Describing people

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